
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Jasper's Autopsy Video!

No, don't be afraid! You're not going to see anything yucky or nasty on this blog (give or take the odd unfortunate hairstyle or fashion faux pas).

What we have here is a smashing little animation created by our very own Jasper Van Looveren-Baines (21) in response to a Year 1 project brief.

The students were asked to creatively document the deconstruction of an object, in this case a delightfully 'old school' TV, complete with cathode ray tube, rendered in an appropriately 'low-tech' style.

Animation isn't Jasper's only claim to fame as he is also the reigning 'student with the longest name' champion with an impressive 23 characters in his name (not including the hyphen). With a name as lengthy as Jasper's you may think he doesn't have much competition but you'd be very wrong! His rivals include:

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Price Edwards, Year 1 (21 characters)

Katherine (Katy) Thew-Thwaites, Year 2 (21 characters)

Natasha Shrimpton-Dean, Year 1 (20 characters)

You'll have to agree that's a pretty impressive list.

To ensure Jasper's long-term, long name superiority, we've been trying to encourage him to marry and then divorce in quick succession Lizzie and Katy before finally 'tying the knot' and then 'sticking' with Natasha. In so doing he would become:

Jasper Van Looveren-Baines Price Edwards Thew-Thwaites Shrimpton-Dean

a name, which has a certain ring to it.

Sadly, Jasper hasn't shown any desire to make this dream a reality.

If you think he should, please write to us at the usual address...


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